Saturday, July 25, 2009

Four Generations Together in Maryland

Larry, Linda, Gene, and Thelma visited Lance, Grace, Karis, Olivia, and Emily in Maryland.

Three little David girls provided all the entertainment.

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

David Family Reunion 2009

Every other year the descendants of Ed and Nina David (earlier Davied) descend on Mountain View, Missouri, where Ed and Nina settled in 1915.

They had nine children, four of whom are deceased: Robert, Imogene, Erma, and Mildred. Five are still living and four of those live in Mountain View.

Our reunion was held June 26-27 this year.
These are the "children" of Ed and Nina.

Seated, left to right, are Evelyn and Eileen. Standing are Lloyd, Wayne, and Gene.

There were 57 Davids in attendance at this year' reunion. We will meet again in 2011 on June 10-11.

Here are some random photos from this year.