We're having a Lord's Day of worship and rest. Lance, Grace, Karis, Olivia, and Emily joined us for church this morning. Olivia sang the words of many Christmas songs. Karis sang as she read the words from the hymnal. And I could tell that Emily especially liked the ceiling fans in the sanctuary.

Many Mountain View friends greeted the visitors from Maryland after the service
All the children present received a bag of Christmas treats, including Emily. Maybe I'll get to help her eat hers.

The little girls were quite popular with the congregation.

We had lunch out at the Garden Gate Tea Room.
It was a great time for a family photo with the decorated background.

Olivia enjoyed the old-fashioned Christmas decorations.
This afternoon will be a time of rest with movies and games. Tomorrow Brad will arrive at St. Louis if there are no delays or cancellations caused by the eastern snow storm. Matt and Liz will arrive Monday evening from Joliet.