Sunday, April 19, 2020

COVID-19 Report from My Corner of the Ozarks

It's April 19.  The original income tax filing deadline has come and gone.  People are scrambling to find out if their Economic Impact Payment has reached their bank accounts.  New York City is the epi-center of the U. S. coronavirus epidemic.  Over 165,000 have died worldwide and the U. S. has the most deaths.  Missouri has 5,677 positive cases so far and 176 deaths.  Arkansas (60 miles away from us) has 1,781 cases and 40 deaths. 

All Americans are under some level of "stay-at-home" order and only essential businesses are open.  There is no baseball yet.  Schools are closed. 

So what is happening in My Corner of the Ozarks?

Americans have been advised to wear face masks in public.  We are prepared, but have not yet worn cloth masks to town.  Probably under 10% do so here.

We are having our groceries delivered.  Thank you Apple Market.  A wonderful service.

We had a pastoral visit on our porch (before the statewide stay-at-home order).  The whole family brought greetings and a gift and a song.  Wonderful pastoral care. 

Our church services continue to be online only.  The worship team and pastor have done a great job.  The technical aspects improve each week.  And we are hearing wonderful sermons.

In the Missouri Ozarks, Greene County (Springfield) is the largest city and has the most cases (84) and 7 deaths.  But the virus is much closer than the 100 miles to Springfield.  Our county, Howell, has 5 cases including one in Mountain View.  Oregon County is adjacent and has one case.  Carter County is only 40 miles and has 3 cases including one death.

These other nearby counties, so far, have no cases:  Shannon, Texas, Ozark, Dent.  Missouri may be past the peak of infections as hospitalizations and deaths are declining.  So social distancing, hand washing, and staying home seem to be working. 

I heard a doctor on television the other day refer to "physical distancing", rather than "social distancing".  He said, "Yes.  We need to stay six feet apart, but we need to maintain our social connections" via mail, phone, Skype, Zoom, or hollering over the back fence.  Wonderful advice.