Spring is now well underway in the Ozarks. The dogwoods dominate the woodland landscape and also many town lawns. Redbuds are still bright red, but they will be fading soon.
Other wonderful signs of spring are turkey hunting season, lawn mowing, golf, and Major League baseball.
Mountain View used to have the largest dogwood tree in Missouri, but no more. We still have that big dogwood out south of town, but someone found a bigger one somewhere else in the state. So now we are the home of the former largest dogwood.
Any turkeys this season?
21 pounder on Wednesday. I can get a second bird next week or the week after.
More signs of spring: in the turkey woods Tuesday I heard 3 species of native sparrows, all with similar songs: Field Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow, and Grasshopper Sparrow. Vireos have arrived, but I don't know which species. No whip-poor-wills or towhees yet.
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